No-Cost Preventive Medications

In addition to a healthy lifestyle, preventive drugs can help you avoid, treat, and manage chronic conditions. 

We offer access to a variety of no-cost medications for:

  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Contraceptive care
  • Smoking cessation
  • And more!

Visit our formulary to see which of your medications are on the no-cost preventive list. 




$0 prescriptions

ACA drugs are always no-cost, regardless of your plan type or deductible status. This is another way we support you and your health goals. Some brand-name preventative medications require enrollment in the Access Traditional Connect Program to fill for $0. To enroll in the program, please contact SmithRx Connect directly at 844-385-7612 to begin the process.

Note: On the formulary, brand-name medications that require enrollment will be marked with an A-T icon.

What if my prescriptions for a chronic condition are not marked PREV or ACA in the formulary?

Click "find alternative drugs" in the formulary for a list of equivalent or alternative drugs, then ask your healthcare provider if any other options might be right for you.

What if I pay out-of-pocket for a drug marked PREV or ACA?

You can submit a request for SmithRx member reimbursement.

Will my current medication be added to (or removed from) the no-cost list?

Preventive and ACA drugs are subject to change throughout the year as our formulary and/or ACA guidelines are updated.

Have questions? We've got you covered.

  • Log in to view account details.
  • Search FAQs in our Help Center.
  • Connect with Customer Support directly through the chat icon on most Sana pages or call us at (833) 726-2123 Monday through Friday, 7 AM to 7 PM Central.