HealthSmart's Physician & Ancillary Only network offers access to over 700,000 providers across the US.
Sana Benefits leases the HealthSmart Physician & Ancillary Only network so that Sana members can access all providers in this network.
If your practice is in-network, Sana will pay claims at the HealthSmart contracted rate. If you have questions about your HealthSmart contract or rates, please contact the HealthSmart Provider Relations team directly at (800) 687-0500.
Please send claims to Sana directly using the address and electronic payer ID listed on the back of the Sana member ID card.
Note: Sana's agreement with HealthSmart is not exclusive. Providers are welcome to participate in other networks or join our provider community to be featured in our member-facing provider search.
Have questions for Sana?
Connect with Provider Support directly through the chat icon on most Sana pages or call us at
(833) 726-2123 Monday through Friday, 7 AM to 7 PM Central.