Sana makes it easy for small businesses to ensure plan compliance related to mental health parity.
What is mental health parity, and how is it measured?
Mental health parity describes the equal treatment of mental health conditions and substance use disorders.
- The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) of 2008 ensures that Group health plans cannot impose limitations on mental health benefits that are less favorable than limits imposed on medical or surgical benefits.
- The Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) of 2020 requires all health plans to complete a comparative analysis detailing limitations to mental health services and other benefits.
- Government entities may request documentation of your company's compliance with these acts through analysis of NQTL. When they do, Sana has you covered!
What are Non-Quantitative Treatment Limitations (NQTL)?
NQTL are any limitations on the scope or duration of benefits not expressed numerically. This could include exclusions based on medical necessity, facility type, prior authorization, or standards for admission to a provider network.
Our team of experts has prepared NQTL documentation for all plans and will stay on top of any future compliance needs related to your group health coverage.
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