Creditable & Non-Creditable Waiver Reasons

During Open Enrollment, your employees may choose to waive coverage. If they do, they must select a waiver reason. Some of these reasons are creditable, and some are not. Non-creditable waiver reasons will count against your minimum participation. If your group falls below minimum participation, you must work with Customer Success to determine your path forward.

Creditable Selections

  • Covered by Spouse / Partner
  • Medicare
  • Cobra
  • Covered by parent
  • Medicaid
  • Individual
  • Other group coverage
  • Indian Health Service

The following reasons are considered creditable, even though they are less common and therefore aren't available as selections. You may select “Individual” or “Other group coverage” as your waiver reason in Sana if one of the following reasons applies to you. 

  • Student health insurance
  • Federal Employees Health Benefits Program
  • The Peace Corps
  • Public Health Plan (any plan established or maintained by the State, the U.S. government, or a foreign country)
  • Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
  • State health insurance high-risk pool

Non-Creditable Selections

  • None of the above
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