Affiliate Network: HealthSmart

HealthSmart's Physician & Ancillary Only network offers access to over 700,000 providers across the US. To find a HealthSmart provider in your community, use the Find Care tool in your Sana account.

Talking to providers about HealthSmart
If your provider is uncertain about Sana or our affiliation with HealthSmart, you can use the following language with your provider to help sort things out:

"Sana Benefits leases the HealthSmart Physician & Ancillary Only network so that Sana members can access all providers in this network. Since your practice is in-network, Sana will pay my claims at the HealthSmart contracted rate. Please send my claims to Sana directly using the address and electronic payer ID listed on the back of my Sana member ID card." 

If your provider is no longer in the HealthSmart network
If your provider no longer participates in the HealthSmart Physician & Ancillary Only network, have no fear! You can use the following language to have your preferred provider bill Sana directly.

"Sana processes all claims as in-network and is happy to have any provider bill them directly. You can verify my benefits or ask billing questions quickly via chat at, Monday through Friday, 7 AM–7 PM Central, or at (833) 726-2123. All information is listed on the back of my Sana member ID card." 

Learn more about getting care with Sana in this two-minute video.
Have questions? We've got you covered.
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  • Search FAQs in our Help Center.
  • Connect with Customer Support directly through the chat icon on most Sana pages or call us at (833) 726-2123 Monday through Friday, 7 AM to 7 PM Central.