The majority of claims are processed and paid by Sana within 5 business days, although some claims can take up to 60 calendar days after receipt. Incomplete claims and claims lacking information will result in a denial and an extension of the processing time once all relevant information has been received.
Sana pays all claims through ECHO Health, which offers the following payment method options:
ACH Direct Deposit: Requires enrollment and security validation through ECHO.
Elavon: Third-party partner leveraged by ECHO to provide electronic payments to providers with Elavon POS machines. Contact Evalon directly with questions.
MedPay: Paper check replacement giving providers the freedom to decide what they’d like to do for individual payments, including options to print paper checks in the office for rapid processing. Visit for MedPay (MXP) self-service, including:
- Enroll in Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
- Request to print a check at your office or home
- Request EOBs for electronic payments
Paper Check: Traditional paper-based payment sent via USPS mail delivery.
Virtual Credit Cards (Vcard): If you received a VCard as payment, visit to:
- Manage VCards payments.
- Select a different type of payment.
- If you'd like to opt-out of VCards please contact QuicRemit, at (877) 705-4230 Monday - Friday 7 AM - 5 PM CST.
Please visit the ECHO Health website to establish your preferred payment method.
Have questions for Sana?
Connect with Provider Support directly through the chat icon on most Sana pages or call us at
(833) 726-2123 Monday through Friday, 7 AM to 7 PM Central.